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Win two signed Macedonia jerseys!

We raffle two signed jerseys of the macedonian football national team. ...
Win two signed Macedonia jerseys!
We raffle two signed jerseys of the macedonian football national team. One jersey is from Goran Pandev (Club: CFC Genua) and signed by the whole team. The second one is from Enis Bardhi (UD Levante) and signed by himself.

The terms of participation apply:

1. To take part in the raffle one has to agree with the terms of participation. By taking part in the raffle the participator agrees to the terms of participation.

2. The raffle is organized by the JAKO AG from Mulfingen-Hollenbach, Germany.

3. The raffle starts on 30/11/2018 and ends on 04/12/2018 at 23:59 pm.

4. The prize are two jerseys from the macedonian football national team. One jersey is from Goran Pandev and signed by the whole team, the other one is from Enis Bardhi and signed by himself.

5. A monetary payout is not possible. JAKO does not grant any guarantee or warranty regarding the prize.

6. To take part in the raffle participators have to follow the JAKO instagram page, like the respective post that links to this blogpost and comment the respective post that links to this blogpost by tagging a friend. Several comments count as a single participation.

7. Comments violating the facebook terms of usage, german right, macedonian right or the copyright will be deleted. With this the participator is excluded from the raffle.

8. The participation is allowed to all persons with a valid postal address to which JAKO is able to send the prize. Employers of the JAKO AG are excluded from the raffle.

9. The winner will be declared by drawing of lots within seven days after the raffle.

10. The winner will be informed by personal message in Instagram. The winner has to get back to JAKO within 14 days via e-Mail ( or a reply to the personal message in Instagram by sharing his postal address with the company. If the winner does not answer to the personal message of JAKO, a new winner will be drawn by lots.

11. The instagram names of all participators will be saved for the purpose of finding a winner. 30 days after the raffle latest all data will be deleted. The address of the winner will be used only for sending the prize to him. No data will be handed over to any third party.