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JAKO celebrates topping-out ceremony for new high-bay warehouse

The extension doubles our storage capacity.
JAKO celebrates topping-out ceremony for new high-bay warehouse

After almost eight months of construction, JAKO celebrated the topping-out ceremony for the new high-bay warehouse at its headquarters in Hollenbach.The team sports outfitter celebrated the ceremony on 20th April in style with representatives from the trades as well as employees. Sven Henning, Head of Department at Hollerbach-Bau, gave the traditional topping-out speech. The building is scheduled for completion in August 2023.

In her speech, JAKO CEO Nadine Sprügel thanked everyone involved who had supported the project during the planning and construction phases and who continue to do so. In addition to the internal project management team, these included above all the company Hollerbach-Bau and a total of 35 other trades from the region, who braved the wind and weather to ensure that construction went smoothly. "We are very happy that we have made very rapid progress with the construction from the ground-breaking ceremony to today and are well on schedule so far. After the extension was actually planned earlier and had to be postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, among other things, it is now all the more important that we finish this summer. After all, our goods are currently distributed in numerous external warehouses in Hohenlohe. When we move in in August, the new warehouse will already be completely full.”

A modern mobile racking system with a total of 12,000 pallet spaces will then be put into operation on an area of 4,500 m2. JAKO is thus investing several million euros to double the storage capacity at the Hollenbach site. The expansion is a necessary step in order to continue to supply customers quickly and reliably in the future. At the same time, the extension is also an expression of the excellent business development that the family-run company is currently experiencing. It will also create more jobs for the region.